Monday, September 5, 2016

Billing for HHA Medical Supplies and reporting units

Medical supplies are items that, due to their therapeutic or diagnostic characteristics, are essential in enabling personnel to carry out effectively the care the physician has ordered for the treatment or diagnosis of the patient's illness or injury. Medical supplies fit into two categories. They are classified as:

• Routine because they are used in small quantities for patients during the usual course of most home visits; or

• Nonroutine because they are needed to treat a patient's specific illness or injury in accordance with the physician's plan of care and meet further conditions discussed in more detail below.

Both routine and non-routine medical supplies are included in the home health PPS rate and are not separately payable if the beneficiary is under a home health plan of care. The CMS publishes a list of these medical supplies annually, identified by HCPCS code. If no home health plan of care is in place, non-routine medical supplies are reported separately on the bill and the supplies are payable on 34x bills.

Institutional Provider Reporting of Service Units for DME and Supplies

Provider outpatient departments report service units using the ASC X12 837 institutional claim format or on the Form CMS 1450 the number of items being billed for orthotic and prosthetic devices.

For purchased DMEPOS items (excluding items requiring frequent and substantial servicing, capped rental items, and oxygen which cannot be purchased) HHAs report service units using the ASC X12 837 institutional claim format or on the Form CMS-1450 the number of purchased items billed. For rental DME items, including oxygen equipment, HHAs report a separate line for each month billed indicating "1" on the ASC X12 837 institutional claim format or in the service units field on the Form CMS-

For oxygen contents (HCPCS codes E0441, E0442, E0443, and E0444), the HHAs report the number of feet or pounds as described by the HCPCS code.

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