Saturday, December 4, 2010

importance of assiginment in original Medicare

What is “assignment” in Original Medicare and why is it important?

Assignmentis an agreement between you (the person with Medicare),Medicare, and doctors or other health care providers, and suppliers of healthcare equipment and supplies (like durable medical equipment and prostheticor orthotic devices). Doctors, providers, and suppliers who agree to acceptassignment accept the Medicare-approved amountas full payment. After youhave paid the Part B deductible ($135 in 2009), you pay the doctor orsupplier the coinsurance(usually 20% of the approved amount). Medicarepays the other 80%.

Suppliers who agree to accept assignment on all claims for durable medicalequipmentand other devices are called “participating suppliers.” If a durablemedical equipment supplier doesn’t accept assignment,there is no limit towhat they can charge you.In addition, you may have to pay the entire bill(Medicare’s share as well as your coinsurance and any deductible) at the timeyou get the durable medical equipment. The supplier will send the bill toMedicare for you, but you will have to wait for Medicare to reimburse youlater for its share of the charge.

Important Note: Before you get durable medical equipment, ask if thesupplier is enrolled in Medicare. If the supplier is not enrolled in Medicare,Medicare won’tpay your claim at all. Then, ask if the supplier is aparticipating supplier in the Medicare Program. A participating supplier mustaccept assignment. A supplier that is enrolled in Medicare, but isn’t“participating,” has the option whether to accept assignment. You will have toask if the supplier will accept assignment for your claim. To find suppliers who accept assignment, visit and select“Find Suppliers of Medical Equipment in Your Area.” You can also call1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). TTY users should call1-877-486-2048.

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